
Friday, November 16, 2007

miss bimbo makes me want to cry.
because i jsut spent three hundred bucks to break up with my boyfriend.
hoping that i'll find a better boyfriend.
but somehow.
i got back the same one who gives me so little money.
how am i going to go to the next level now?
well. I CAN'T!

i'm seeing him almost every morning now.
maybe its because of how the trains seem to arrive together.
not that i'm complaining though.

can someone define love?

when i was about to call out his name, the name from a certain past came up.
something that i dont want.
not after what i promised myself.

i've got a test later.
and i havent studied anything about it.
i'm going to fail!

i never know that there are good looking butches in RP.
but somehow i'm wrong.
and its not part of kaira's stereotype.
she's not the part where it includes fat and ugly.

and they ask me why i'm so bi.
can't i?

i'm craving for bagels the whole week.
and i still dont have it.

it was going fine until someone had to ask something to spoil everything.
thanks for nothing.


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